That creed contains this line at the end:
...I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God"...
My freshman year, I was lucky enough to have a roommate who helped me in my journey and also inspired me. She exposed me to Christian music artists --some I already knew, some I didn't. One of our favorites was Stephen Curtis Chapman. In his song, The Walk, he repeats lyrics inspired by this verse. When I heard this, I immediately pulled out my Bible and I found these words in Micah. Not only was I extremely proud that the creed I had learned and believed in as an "Auburn woman" contained a passage straight out of God's word, but I connected some dots in my life at that point. God had been speaking to me for a very long time, and seeing those words in His word was a confirmation that I was on the right path. I never forgot those words.
Fast forward a (few) years...I started working with GAs. Coming from a small, country church growing up, I was never exposed to GAs before. So, I had no idea that the little verse from Micah that I held so dear would show itself again. One of the main verses in GA is Micah 6:8. The minute I heard those words being recited by those smiling girls, I knew again...God had put me there. I was following His path, His will.
I don't always choose to do justly. And sometimes mercy is not on my tongue. But when it's not...I'm always reminded of this verse, and it brings me back to the right path. The path that leads me to walk humbly with Him. The path is not always straight. Most of the time it is very narrow and sometimes rocks cause me to stumble along the way. But He is always there beside me. I am so glad that now my daughter, whether she chooses to become an Auburn student or not, will have this word to hide in her heart. And she will know the truth it took me almost twenty years to learn.
Awesome Beth, thank you! Paulette